Sunday, October 4, 2009


It is a Religion which is a 2% minority of India's population although it has far greater influences and strength throughout the world and I am proud strong to be part of it.

A brief history of Sikhism
The founder of Sikhism, Guroo Naanak Dev Jee (1469-1539) was born in village Talwandi (now Nankaanaa Saaheb, Pakistan). Guroo Naanak Dev Jee challenged the fanaticism and intolerance of the Muslims, of his time. He also exposed the meaningless rituals and caste prejudices prevalent among the Hindus. Guroo Naanak Dev Jee propagated the equality of man and treated Hindus and Muslims alike.
He opposed the distinctions of caste and called himself a member of the lowest caste.

Major Events in the history of Sikhism
The Tenth and the last Naanak(Guroo), Guroo Gobind Singh Jee (1666-1708 AD) was only nine years old when he was bestowed the Gurooship. He has finalized the Sikhs by KHANDE DEE PAAHUL(AMMRIT) cermony(Sikh Baptism) and thus created the Khaalsaa in 1699 AD i.e., He gave a distinctive identity to the Sikhs. The first Five Baptised Sikhs were named Panj Piyaare (Five Beloved Ones), who in turn baptised the Guroo on his request-an event hither to unknown in the history of mankind. On this day, the Tenth Naanak has told evrybody that every Sikh male's last name would be SINGH and Sikh female's last name would be KAUR. Even Guroo Gobind Singh Jee has changed his name from "Gobind Rai" after getting KHANDE DEE PAAHUL from PANJ PIYAARE.

Shortly before passing away the Guroo Jee ordained that Guroo Granth Saaheb Jee, the Sikh Holy Scripture would be the ultimate spiritual authority for the Sikhs and the temporal authority would vest in the Khaalsaa Panth - The Sikh Commonwealth.

The Harimandir Sahib, known popularly as the Golden Temple, is a sacred shrine for Sikhs.

Guroo Granth Saaheb Jee, the Sikh Holy Scripture was compiled and edited by the Fifth Guroo, Guroo Arian Dev Jee in 1604 AD. This is the only scripture in the world which has been compiled by the founders of a faith during their own life time

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